Silence Those
Disempowering Beliefs
Register now to be the FIRST to be notified once we open up the doors to my signature program, The Mindset Accelerator, so that you can learn how to remove eliminating beliefs, generate more income faster than ever before, and finally run your business instead of your business running you!
YES! I WANT FIRST ACCESS!Hi, I'm Kathi Reuter!
I'm SO EXCITED you are here! After over 8 years of running my own 6-figure producing online health and fitness business and helping thousands of people reach their health, fitness, and financial goals, I'm finally stepping out to share everything I've learned to help bust through that wall and take your business to the 6 or 7 figure level!
Have you ever found yourself in any of the below circumstances?
- Comparing yourself to others
- Procrastinating on what you know you need to do
- Being inconsistent in your biz
- Afraid to talk about price or raise your prices
- Saying you don't have enough time
- Flatlining your income growth (or even going backwards!)
- Feeling bored - "hamster on a wheel"
- Lacking fun & joy in your business
- Thinking "is this ever going to work for me?"
If any of these ring a bell - you are not alone! These are all symptoms of self doubt, negative thoughts or limiting beliefs creeping in & running the show!
We are going to fix that S&*T!

Let's rewind the clock 8 years
I am sitting at my kitchen counter playing with my 20 month old redhead son, Landon, and my 3 month old daughter Kiersten. I was a stay at home Mom - I had left my 10 year career as an elementary school teacher when Landon was born to be home with my kids. It was always my dream to be home with them - those first years FLY by and I was determined not to miss a single moment, and be there for every FIRST.
My husband Nick walks in from work. He says to me, "Kathi, we need to talk."
Immediately I feel a lump forming in my throat. "About what?"
"We can't do this anymore," he said. "You HAVE to go back to work. We are in debt over $35,000 and growing by $1000 a month! It's a shell game moving money around on these credit cards. We need to just be grateful that you had this last 20 months with the kids."
It was like getting kicked in the gut. The thought of leaving my two young children made me sick to my stomach. All I had wanted was to be home with my kids!
At this point in time we were both doing everything we could to bring in extra income. Nick was running an off-hours videography and photography company, and I was tutoring a few nights a week. It wasn't enough.
My husband and I talked about it more and decided we had one more shot, and I started my at-home coaching and fitness business.
Here's the thing - when I started it - I had every reason in the book why it wouldn't succeed! Just some of the stories I had going on:
- How will I inspire anyone? I had a baby 3 months ago and I don't look like a health and fitness anything!
- How can I afford this? I needed a few hundred dollars to get going, and at this point even a Dunkin' Donuts coffee was a luxury we couldn't afford.
- Do I have time to do this? I have 2 kids at home and I'm up to my eyeballs in diapers
- How will I even connect with people? I had 200 friends on Facebook and I didn't even have an Instagram account
Despite all these stories that would make it seem impossible - I still succeeded!
How is that possible?
It's because we all have 2 voices in our head. Our boss voice & our little whiny b*tch voice, is what I like to call it. 🤣🤣
Our boss voice has these great ideas & makes us feel inspired and excited for growth, and to take the next step!
But then the little b*tch voice whispers all these self doubts & limiting beliefs into our ear to get us to do nothing & stay right where we are in our comfort zone.
And most people listen!
......... Unless they know how to break this cycle.....