031: 3 Traits The Most Successful Entrepreneurs I've Met Have In Common!

One of the most impactful quotes I ever heard when I started my entrepreneurial journey was "Success Leaves Clues". 

It's why I LOVE seeing, learning, and reading about other people's success; because there are always things to learn from them that you can then apply in your own life! 

When I started my first business nearly 9 years ago, I looked to others who were doing what I wanted to do, and I did the same things. I always took the lessons my mentors had for me and just applied them with the faith that it was going to work out. I  carried an attitude of "If they can do it, then so can I!"

In today's Do Life Big Podcast, I share "behind the scenes" about some of the most successful entrepreneurs that I've personally met over the past few years, and the top 3 things that I've noticed that they have in common! These entrepreneurs span all kinds of businesses, from real estate, to attorneys, to manufacturing, to construction, to online businesses. 

Most of these people are friends of mine now - and it's so interesting to see that they carry some of these common threads! 

First - they carry super passion and excitement what they do. They love talking about it, they love thinking of ways to improve their businesses and make their customers happy. More importantly, they LOVE what they do! Now that doesn't mean they are ALWAYS excited to work (your business isn't here to entertain you!) but, they show up excited to do what they do. 

Secondly, they want to solve problems or create real change in the world. They want to make things better! They found a hole in the marketplace and worked to figure out how to improve that thing. This is also why I created the Mindset Accelerator, (not currently open, but click the link and join the waitlist!)  my program that helps entrepreneurs who have been plateaued for at least 3 months finally break from that and grow their income to six-figures and beyond by addressing their hidden limiting beliefs that are holding them back. 

Thirdly, they are very good at delegating. If you want to go far, you have to have a team. They know their business, they know what their zone of expertise is, and they can outsource the rest. This frees them up to focus on the most important tasks in their business that they really need to do. 

Of course, they all also have their mindset on lock - remember, if you don't think you can accomplish something, you won't! 

Take a listen, by clicking the link below, and make sure to write me at [email protected] after to let me know what you thought or if you can relate! 

Grab my FREE workbook, Think This, Not That - kathireuter.com/thinkthisnotthat

⭐ Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐ 

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Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast: 

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