107: Your Ultimate Reframe When Facing Challenges in Business & Life


Have you ever met someone who can take any bad situation (even really bad situations!) and turn them positive? 

Like... let's say the Starbucks drive-through line is taking forever, and they just sit there, zen and calm and at peace, while most people are pulling out their hair? 

Ever wonder HOW they do it? It's about reframing. They are able to take that situation and make it mean something different! Instead of getting mad about the wait, they just stay excited about their iced cup of caffeine! 

So, in today's Do Life Big podcast, I'm sharing with you the  The Ultimate Reframe for Life’s Challenges! 

Here’s the thing: whenever life tries to throw you a curveball (and if you are a living, breathing human, then there is no way around it - it WILL!), I want you to ask yourself these TWO questions:

  1. What is this preparing me for?
  2. What is this trying to teach me? 

These two simple questions have the power to totally shift your perspective!

They can help you stop feeling like life’s happening TO you and instead understand that it's happening FOR you! 

Write these down, stick ‘em on your mirror, and let them guide you through ANY rough patch like the boss you are!

Ready for More? Let’s Take It to the Next Level! 

Hey, it's almost that time of year again!

My 100% FREE Unleash Your Business Potential workshop is coming up on October 3rd at 11 AM EST!

This workshop is PACKED with tools to help you break through the noise, overcome procrastination, and CRUSH it in business and life!

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just thinking about diving into the business world, this is for YOU!

Just click here to grab your spot! kathireuter.com/unleash


Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐ 

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Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast: 

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