069: Two Tips to Overcome Fear and Pursue Your Breakthrough Year

Hey... How's your day? 

Me... I am fueled today by a massive cup of Starbucks coffee – trust me, I need it after my wild birthday weekend with my dog's unexpected escapade. But hey, I'm here with loads of energy and a story to share. 🎉

In today's Do Life Big Podcast episode, I'm gonna dive deep into the power of beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves. As we approach the end of the year, it's not just about reflecting but also casting our vision for 2024. No wishy-washy words, no vague hopes – we're talking intentional, confident choices. 🚀

Join me on this journey as we explore what you're choosing to believe and why it matters. I'm even running a free five-day vision (starting today!) and goal-setting group, so check it out if you want to join the party! kathireuter.com/goals

Now, let me share two powerful tips that emerged from my own breakthrough experience:

1. Commitment and Responsibility: I declared my words for 2024 – commitment, responsibility, and playing full out. It's about owning my vision, showing up messy, and taking charge of my journey. 💪

2. Embrace Imperfection: I committed to showing up messy until I found success. No fear of imperfections or setbacks – just learning, growing, and persisting. It's time to ditch those BS stories that hold us back! 🚫

Speaking of breakthroughs, I'll even spill the details of my own vision for 2024, so buckle up! We all have fears, but the choice is ours – focus on the vision or get lost in those limiting stories.

Remember, you are meant for greatness, and it starts with what you choose to believe. Join me in looking within, acknowledging what's held you back, and painting your life's canvas with belief, passion, and perseverance. 🔥

Join me on this Five-Day Vision and Goal Setting Masterclass, starting today, December 18 until the 22nd: kathireuter.com/goals, sign up, and let's make the next year epic together. 🚀


⭐ Hey there! Thanks for listening! ⭐ 

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Listen to the Do Life Big Podcast: 

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