087: Transforming Self-Talk For Your Best Life

We just got back from the incredible cruise on the wonder of the seas, Royal Caribbean. And it was so much fun, we had such a blast with the family and all of our friends. And now it's back to the grind. Today's Do Life Big Podcast episode is all about transforming our self-talk for a better life.

Today, we're talking about how to change the way we speak to ourselves. Why? Because it's crucial for living our best lives.

Think about it—how do you talk to yourself internally? Are you constantly criticizing, replaying failures, and beating yourself up? It's time to change that narrative.

Self-love is the key to building confidence, and confidence is what drives us towards our goals. It's like a Jenga tower—if we keep pulling out negative blocks, it'll eventually collapse. But when we add positivity, we strengthen our foundation.

How we talk to ourselves affects everything—our actions, our confidence, even how others perceive us. Imagine greeting yourself with the same kindness you'd show a friend in need.

Comparison is another joy thief. Social media can make us feel inadequate, but remember, where you are now is where you start. It's harder to take action when you're feeling down, so let's change the script.

You deserve daily affirmations, that positive voice cheering you on. It can be you—you're the main character in your life story. Start noticing your self-talk patterns, and shift towards positivity.

Remember, what you focus on, you attract. So let's shift our focus to the good stuff. Create your 'awesome list'—celebrate your wins, your strengths, everything that makes you, you.

By changing how we talk to ourselves, we can change the course of our lives. So, let's start this journey together!


Grab my FREE workbook, Think This, Not That - kathireuter.com/thinkthisnotthat

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